This week in parenting 21/5/14

A study has found that families of adolescents with addiction problems are more likely to be disengaged with a parenting style focused on rejection or overprotecting and having incomplete family systems.

A Canadian study has shown a significant relationship between household characteristics and family processes in predicting emotional problems, hyperactivity/impulsitivity and physical aggression.

At risk children who lived in an enriched environment (e.g. exposed to learning materials, varied enriched experiences, academic and language stimulation, parent responsiveness) were found to be more likely to develop higher executive control.

A study has found that reproductive aged women have low knowledge of the complications of smoking during pregnancy.

Children who are socially withdrawn in early childhood have been found to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of low maternal warmth with increased externalising behavior.

The link between parents behavior and their children's later relationship with their romantic partners has been found to be particularly strong in those with a particular genetic variant. People with this variant were more likely to repeat their parents hostile or positive behavior with their romantic partner in the future.

A study has found that 'overnighting' with the father in seperated couples is not associated with any negative outcomes for babies and toddlers and is beneficial for preschoolers.

Forget the stereotypes! A study has found that East Asian parents are more likely to value independence and other individualist goals while Caucasian parents were more likely to value obedience, unselfishness and tolerance/respect.


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