This week in parenting 12/3/14
A study has found that sensitive parenting increases social skills of 2 to 4 year olds only when they were under high sociocontextual stress
Toddlers with the personality trait 'behavioral inhibition' have been found to be shyer and have lower social competence when they had low maternal support but not if maternal support was high.
A study has found that sensitive parenting increases social skills of 2 to 4 year olds only when they were under high sociocontextual stress
Toddlers with the personality trait 'behavioral inhibition' have been found to be shyer and have lower social competence when they had low maternal support but not if maternal support was high.
Fathers who considered they had a good coparenting relationship with their partner at 3 months have been found to rank their child as more adaptable at 1 year old.
Do you parent like your mother? A study from Israel has found that young mothers tend to use the same parenting style, regardless of social or religious background.
Parents health
Problematic internet use has been found to be higher in university students with an obese BMI.
Food allergies may affect the health and well being of the parents as well as affected children. A study found that the majority had anxiety or depression and slightly less than half considered they had poor social support.
A study has suggested that vitamin D supplementation may be useful in preventing preeclampsia in pregnant women.
A study has suggested that vitamin D supplementation may be useful in preventing preeclampsia in pregnant women.
Postnatal depression symptoms have been found to be mostly likely to cause persistant distress if the mother is younger, from a non-english speaking background, has not completed high school, has a history of depression or has used antidepressants during pregnancy and has a poor quality relationship.
Persistant and increasing distress in new fathers has been found to be associated with low belief in self as a parent, poor relationship quality and poor job quality. Men with these risk factors and those where the mother had poor health were also found to experince continuing distress over time.
Problematic internet use has been found to be higher in university students with an obese BMI.
Insufficient activity levels (excercise, nonexcercise physical activity and sedentary behaviors) have been found to increase constipation in Hong Kong adolescents.
Low level enviromental tobacco smoke such as from parents who smoke away from their children has been found to affect the lung function of children with asthma.
Your parenting may be affecting your child on a cellular level. A study has found that children of parents who are unsupportive (high conflict, low warmth, low emotional support) have diminished telomere length at 22. Diminished telomeres are associated with a variety of health problems. The diminished telomere length was not found in children of unsupportive parents who had participated in a parenting program.
Sleep deprivation has been found to increase cardiometabolic risk in obese adolescents.
Sleep deprivation has been found to increase cardiometabolic risk in obese adolescents.
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