This week in parenting: 9/4/14

Maternal mind-mindedness or viewing the child as their own mental agent has been shown to be associated with more sensitive and positive feeding styles at one year of age.

A study of fathers of 4 to 5 year old children found that those who experience high work-family conflict tend to be more irritable, less warm and less consistent. Those who work long hours or who are the sole income earner tend to be the most affected by this.

High levels of stress in childhood such as that associated with parental death has been found to be associated with mental or health problems or learning problems later in life.

An exploration of 7 to 13 year olds caring and responsibility for family pets found most considered play their main responsibility and were reluctant to take responsibility.

High levels of irritability may be a marker of psychopathology in adolescents.

Teenagers whose mothers were more responsive were found to be more likely to have either an informational or normative identity style.

Poor monitoring or supervision of teenagers has been found to be related to adolescent narcissim and inconsistent discipline to the vulnerable form of narcisissm.


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