This month in parenting 25/7/15

Parents with depressive symptoms reported using fewer routines, coping less well and performing more punitive disciplinary practices.

Postnatal depression in fathers has been found to be associated with negative parenting behaviours.

Parents were found to be poor judges of their children's happiness - overrating children's happiness and underrating teenagers- with their perception being heavily influenced by their own happiness.

Fathers who experienced distress starting in the postnatal period that was persistent and increasing throughout their children's lives were found to have lower consistency and higher hostility across all ages.

The amount of cognitive stimulation has been found to be increasing for families across all socioeconomic circumstances.

The great recession was found to be associated with increased parenting activities and warmth but decreased monitoring

Children of authoritarian parents were found to have the lowest physical self concept scores, while children of permissive parents had the highest.

Children of divorced parents who had been asked to 'carry messages' were found to have the highest levels of negative affect in young adulthood.

Children's attachment to their mothers has been found to effect their effortful control which in turn led to a greater regard for rules.

How children responded to mother's offers of help was found to differ between cultures with unsolicited interventions being associated with  higher feelings of being angry and hurt in American children but not Chinese.

Children of parents who seesaw between harsh and lax discipline have been found to have the highest levels of depression and anxiety problems.

Parental overprotection was found to be predictive of anxiety problems only in children who had lower levels of effortful control.

Mindful parenting is found to be associated with improved maternal-adolescent communication by reducing parental negative reactions to information, adolescent perceptions of over-control and improving the affective quality of the parent-adolescent relationship.

Attempts to support teenagers autonomy were found to be more effective when accompanied by unconditional positive regard.

The quality of mother-adolescent relationship was found to significantly impact on their adjustment to their stepfather in the first year of the relationship.

Higher standard parenting has been found to result in teenagers having a greater expectancy of success.

Kind and decisive parenting was found to decrease teenager's tendency towards drug use while decisive and unkind parenting and weak and unkind parenting was found to increase it.

Permissive parenting was found to predict higher levels of unreasonable academic entitlement in undergraduate students result in more perceived stress and poorer mental health.

Teenagers with non-suicidal self injury were found to report lower levels of maternal warmth and support than teenagers without mental health issues.

A gene variant has been found that moderates the effect of stressful life events and mother's warmth on teenager anxiety, with teenagers with the variant and suffering from stressful situations being found to be more likely to benefit from support.

Paternal and maternal authoritative parenting were found to be predictive of emotional intelligence in teenagers.

Dental  cavities were found to have a negative effect on the quality of life of preschool children but not other forms of dental problems.

Harsh parenting was found to be related to engagement in tobacco use, alcohol use and risky sexual behaviours in teenagers.

An increase of the weight of the mother was found to be a significant predictor of increases of weight of children.

Parents' child behaviour management and the duration of parent-led toothbrushing was found to predict better dental health in children between 18 and 60 months.

Taking time to explain health behaviours to children (including oral health) and helping them to reflect on them has been found to assist in the development of health literacy in children.

Higher frequency of cosmetic surgery was found in adult children of permissive and reckless parents.


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