This week in parenting: 7/11/15
A study of parents with academic careers found that mothers felt unable to take advantage of family friendly policies while fathers felt they were penalized for wanting to be involved parents.
A study of divorced fathers in Israel found that felt that they had improved as fathers since divorcing due to an increased work-family conflict leading to a downgrading in their perception on the importance of work.
A time study has found that 'traditional' fathers who do not share the housework equally spend less time engaged in physical and interactive childcare when the mother is present but that fathers who share housework equally with their partners spend more time involved in childcare regardless of whether the mother is present or not.
An analysis of baby foods has found that the average 6-9 month old baby eating commercial baby foods and infant formula would be have a daily intake below the recommended intake for three fatty acids necessary for growth and development.
A study has found no association between smoking during pregnancy and ADHD symptoms and suggests that previous associations may be due to increased smoking in pregnancy in women with adult ADHD and environmental factors.
Children who had higher levels of prosocial behaviour at age 9 were found to elicit higher levels of mother-child relationship quality.
Parents who used meta-parenting (employing and assessing parenting strategies based on their child's behaviour and perceptions of his/her developmental course) were found to have higher confidence in their parenting ability.
A study has found that parent's tend to overestimate the amount they praise their children and underestimate the amount that they criticise. In general parents were found to criticise their children three times as much as they praised them.
Adoptive mothers levels of warm parenting at age 27 months were found to predict lower levels of problematic behaviours at age 6 and 7.
Father's engagement was found to influence children's levels of behavioural problem, with children of more engaged fathers having fewer behavioural problems.
Physically abused teenagers that felt accepted by their parents were found to have better school adjustment that physically abused teenagers who did not feel accepted.
A lack of positive parenting behaviours has been found to increase the likelihood of youth reporting alcohol use and binge drinking.
Permissive mothers were found to have a lower level of communication with their teenage daughters.
Teenagers who see their parents as permissive or authoritative have been found to have higher levels of optimism than those who see their parents as authoritarian or neglectful.
A gene variation has been discovered that increases the effect of maternal-warmth and reasoning on teenage depression. Adolescents with the gene were found to be less likely to experience depression when maternal-warmth was high but more likely when maternal-warmth was low.
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