This week in parenting: 26/12/15

Children of mothers who had more time directly spent with them were found to have improved behavioural and cognitive outcomes, however this was found to be accounted for by other parenting and socio-economic factors.

Toddlers with a more negative temperament whose parents are separated have been found to benefit from a more supportive co-parenting relationship in terms of their ability to emotionally regulate. This effect was not found when toddlers did not have a negative temperament.

The type of after school care utilised may affect body weight. Normal or low BMI was found to be associated with care by school clubs, babysitters and grandparents while higher BMI tended to have care from older siblings.

An increase in family income was found to decrease maternal detachment and negative regard of children from infancy to early childhood, particularly in low income families.

The clarification of their identity is an essential process in adolescence. Maladaptive methods of identity formation can result in psychosocial problems later in life. A nurturing parenting style has been found to facilitate more adaptive identity formation styles while parental rejection and low level of nurturing has been found to increase the likelihood of an formation style characterised by avoidance.

Mental health
The extent to which the mother is aggressive towards her child has been shown to be a mediating factor between postnatal depression and the development of behavioural problems.

Child's anxiety has been found to be increased by the extent to which their mother will accommodate them, with this effect being particularly pronounced when the mother is also anxious.

The triple P parenting program has been found to be useful in the reduction of anxiety in children.


Permissive parenting has been found to increase the likelihood of delinquency in teenagers, via more association with delinquent peers particularly teenagers who had a less reactive nervous system.

More engagement in sedentary behaviour in teenagers was found to increase the likelihood of behavioural problems, while more engagement in unorganised physical activity was found to increase the likelihood of emotional and behavioural problems.

Teenagers who have been bullied have been found to benefit from avoiding the perpetrators in the short term and forgiving them in the longer term.


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