This week in parenting 6/2/15

Teenager's perception of parenting was found to influence their academic performance and mastery, particularly through its influence on their feeling of school membership. This effect was particularly strong for girls.

review has indicated that postpartum depression reduces children's cognitive performance by the reduction of mental and behavioral care. The mother's interpersonal behavior can help to reduce the effects of postpartum depression on the child.

Exclusively positive parenting has been criticised for having methodological fallacies and more evidence is called for.

A study from Kenya found a strong relationship between parental physical presence and management of male teenagers emotions and the teenager's participation in violence.

Positive reinforcement has been found to lead to lower levels of conduct problem behaviors in kindergarteners with callous unemotional traits.

Positive parenting was found to improve social competence in 4 year olds who had a fearful temperament. Another study found that the effect of positive parenting on shyness and soothability occurred via an interaction with a genotype.

Male teenagers who experienced non-abusive maternal aggression were found to have changes in their brain development that influenced their academic and social functioning.

Teenagers of mothers who were currently experiencing parenting stress and had experienced high levels of stress in their childhood were found to experience a disturbance in their hormonal stress response when exposed to poor supervision, inconsistent discipline and harsh parenting while teenagers of mothers who were not experiencing these stresses did not have the same response.

Babies of mothers who were depressed but still responsive and engaged in appropriate touch during playing with the infant were found to be protected against gene changes that have been found to occur in babies of depressed mothers.

Low level depressive symptoms were found to cause parents to emphasise infant's negative expression more strongly.

Female infants whose mother's use restrictive feeding practices at the age of 1 were found to display an increase in BMI between 4 and 6 years of age.

Perceiving a heavy weight as healthier along with misperceive your child's own weight were found to be indicators of children's obesity.

Obese children were found to be more likely to have fractures of their extremities than non obese children and had a higher likelihood of death from traumatic injuries.

review of the literature has found that, although lab studies and longitudinal studies indicate that children exposed to high levels of restriction and pressure to eat consume more sugar sweetened beverages, snack foods and calorie dense foods, cross-sectional studies have yieled inconclusive results.

Perceived parenting in middle childhood to adolescence was found to relate to changes in genetic activity still present in adults, this effect was particularly strong for perceived parental rejection.

Changes in genes caused by parenting have been found to be influencing factors on young adult health.


  1. Ugh so much bad science here! This isn't evidence, it's pseudoscience. For example, the study about "Interpreting infant emotional expressions: parenthood has differential effects on men and women"....

    Well here's a quote:
    "Removal of data from three participants, which fell
    more than three standard deviations from the mean, resulted in distributions meeting the criteria for normality, as confirmed by Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests. Parametric tests are therefore used

    "Scores ranged from a maximum of +4 (very positive) to a minimum of −4 (very negative), with intervals of .0025. "

    On a scale of e to pi, please rate your satisfaction with this study. 2.99534323. Ridiculously bad study. What's the difference between someone that selected 4.0025 and 4.005?

    That's just one example.

  2. For a more detailed look at the fallacy involved in most of these studies, have a read here:


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