This week in parenting research: 5/2/14: Breastfeeding, gifted perfectonist and dishwasher edition
Pregnancy and feeding
A recent study has suggested that many of the benefits associated with breastfeeding may be due to demographic factors such as race and social class
IQ scores of children whose mother's smoked during pregnancy were found to be lower than those who did not particularly in the prescence of a particular genetic mutation
Self blame has been suggested to be a major risk factor for peer victimization such as bullying in middle school
Insecurity about attachment has been found to affect mothers too. Mothers with insecure attachment have been found to have less maternal self confidence when their child was preschool age.
It has been found that school children who have too much or too little trust in peers are less accepted by the group, recieve and display greater aggression and have higher levels of distress
A study has found that the ability to self regulate along with better verbal ability are particularly important for children from poor families
A study of fathers no longer living with their children found that when the relationship was categorised by low levels of conflict there were better behavioural and academic outcomes regardless of the level of contact
More care may be needed if your young children help with dishes. A study has found that up to 12.5% of children participate in loading or unloading the dishwasher and 5% of children recieve injuries related to this
A study of American Indian parents has found that those who receive more support from their partners are more engaged with their children and less likely to spank.
A study has suggested that parental satisfaction with parenting may impact on how children interact with their peers
Intrinsic religious belief has been found to help break the link between being bullied and depression in teenagers
Adults who perceived their parents as having low levels of control and high levels of affection have been found to have a lower risk of post-traumatic stress disorder
Authoritarian parenting
A study of gifted children has found that dysfunctional perfectionist traits were associated with authoritarian parenting while positive traits of perfectionism were associated with authoritative parenting. This was also shown in a study of university students.
Authoritarian parenting has been linked to increased risk of depression and anxiety in adolescents
A study has found that behavioral problems are greater in children of both permissive and authoritarian parenting
A recent study has suggested that many of the benefits associated with breastfeeding may be due to demographic factors such as race and social class
IQ scores of children whose mother's smoked during pregnancy were found to be lower than those who did not particularly in the prescence of a particular genetic mutation
Self blame has been suggested to be a major risk factor for peer victimization such as bullying in middle school
Insecurity about attachment has been found to affect mothers too. Mothers with insecure attachment have been found to have less maternal self confidence when their child was preschool age.
It has been found that school children who have too much or too little trust in peers are less accepted by the group, recieve and display greater aggression and have higher levels of distress
A study has found that the ability to self regulate along with better verbal ability are particularly important for children from poor families
A study of fathers no longer living with their children found that when the relationship was categorised by low levels of conflict there were better behavioural and academic outcomes regardless of the level of contact
More care may be needed if your young children help with dishes. A study has found that up to 12.5% of children participate in loading or unloading the dishwasher and 5% of children recieve injuries related to this
A study of American Indian parents has found that those who receive more support from their partners are more engaged with their children and less likely to spank.
A study has suggested that parental satisfaction with parenting may impact on how children interact with their peers
Intrinsic religious belief has been found to help break the link between being bullied and depression in teenagers
Adults who perceived their parents as having low levels of control and high levels of affection have been found to have a lower risk of post-traumatic stress disorder
Authoritarian parenting
A study of gifted children has found that dysfunctional perfectionist traits were associated with authoritarian parenting while positive traits of perfectionism were associated with authoritative parenting. This was also shown in a study of university students.
Authoritarian parenting has been linked to increased risk of depression and anxiety in adolescents
A study has found that behavioral problems are greater in children of both permissive and authoritarian parenting
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