This week in parenting research - health and teenagers

 Want to have a long breastfeeding relationship with your child? Then forget about routines. A study has found that shorter duration of breastfeeding is associated with use of parent-led routines and lower levels of nurturance.

In hospital use of formula of a newborn has been found to be associated with breastfeeding ending early even after controlling for intent to breastfeed.

An Australian study has shown that children whose diets are unhealthy were more likely to have parents who tried to disguise vegetables or other healthy options and who were less likely to say 'no' without wavering.

Time to start weighing and measuring your children. A study has found that half of the parents of overweight or obese children underestimate their weight status.

More reasons to give your child a healthy diet. A study has found that children who had a diet high in take away food, red and processed meat, fried and refined food had poorer results on cognitive tests while diets high in green and leafy vegetables produced better results.

Authoritarian parenting has been found to be associated with poor emotional regulation in school children while authoritiative parenting has been found to associated with the best emotional regulation.

Adolescents whose mothers had depression early in their life have been shown to have decreased social skills, however this can be mediated by the quality of the mother's parenting during adolescence

Got a teenager with bad acne? Keep a special eye out for depression. A study has suggested an increased risk of depression and suicide in adolescents who have acne, particularly females.

A study has found that 18-22 year olds who witnessed their mother getting drunk were more likely to engage in risky drinking behavior themselves, particularly if there was low levels of maternal warmth.

A study has found that low parental knowledge and deliquency in friends predicted deliquency and substance use in adolescents.

A study has found that teenagers who's parents report non-judgemental acceptance of their own functioning as a parent had less problems with depression and anxiety


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