This fortnight in parenting: 9/4/16

A study from Islamabad has found that authoritative parenting was related to increased academic achievement.

The influence of harsh parenting on children's behavior has been found to be mitigated by the type of punishment used.

A study of sex offenders has found that rapists were less likely to remember their father's as being warm to them compared with nonsexual offenders.

Poor parental monitoring at age 3 was found to be predictive of ODD and callous unemotional traits at age 6.

Early caregiving environments, in particular sensitive and supportive parent-child interactions, were found to be predictive of peer relationship satisfaction, social skill and classroom competence in first grade.

Parent's who experience instability in their relationship were found to be experience more parenting related stress than those who were stably with their partner or stably single.

Mother's responding with stress to children's emotions was found to significantly impact on children's emotional problems.

Higher maternal emotional availability at bedtime in combination with less stimulating activities at bedtime and less close contact at bedtime were found to be associated with more infant sleep over the night.

Maternal depressive symptoms were found to impact on the level of sleep that children received.

A study of mother's of children with ADHD found that mother's with higher belief in themselves as parents rated behavioral treatments of ADHD as more effective.

More collaborative parenting of children with type 1 diabetes was found to predict better blood sugars, while more intrusive parenting was found to be related to depressive symptoms.


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