This week in parenting 23/4/16

More control by father's of children's eating practices was found to be associated with less fruit and vegetable intake while more reinforcement was found to be associated with increased fruit and vegetable intake.

A study of mothers who had suffered childhood abuse found that those who had negative attitudes towards limit setting were found to have children who are more likely to have behavioral issues while those with poorer communication had children with more depression or anxiety symptoms.

Two and three year olds of mother's with psychosocial maladjustment were found to be protected against internalising disorders common in children of this background if their mother's were more sensitive in their parenting when they were between the age of 12 and 15 months.

A study of Chinese immigrant parents found that those who were more orientated to their new culture (American) had better psychological well being and parented in a more authoritative manner.

A literature review has found that parent's perception of the legitimacy of authority figures in the criminal justice system significantly affected the degree to which their children would see the same figures as legitimate.

Higher levels of sedentary behavior in teenage girls was found to predict bigger increases in depressive symptoms over time.

Fathers who attributed less responsibility to their child for positive actions were found to have an increased level of children with problem behaviors.


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